This month we will be sharing content emphasizing ways to use summer to develop yourself. If you are a professional, summertime may not be the same, so we hope you can still utilize these while juggling everything else! We understand it may be difficult to juggle life, friends, and honing one’s craft, so please plan out your goals to avoid burning out!
Now, getting a commission to design and build any project can feel like a distant goal when you’re just starting. You may be wondering, do I have the right skills? Who do I talk to? How do I reach out? Why would anyone trust me to design their project? These thoughts are very normal but don’t worry. Today’s article will introduce 4 important ways to start getting more commissions that will help answer those questions.
On top of developing your skills, you also get to start building up your finances from commissions, which is a great reward, don’t you think? With the recent global shutdown, more people than ever had to transition and figure out how to support themselves. So, if you have started or just thinking about marketing yourself, I’m glad you stopped by to read this! It’s important to note that though we can’t guarantee anything, we share our perspective in hopes that you find something that works for you. Every individual has different skillsets and/or resources that will make each individual’s journey different.
Qualifications will vary depending on the metric you used to measure yourself, but generally speaking, being knowledgeable in the field will give you the best chance at getting commissions. It’s important to start small and base things on your previous experiences like design-builds, internships, or drafting. If you happen to come across an opportunity for a larger-scale project that you aren’t familiar with, see if the project’s commissioner will pair you with industry professionals to guide you. This happened to be the case with Ben, one of our co-founders, when he received his first large project.
But how would you know if you have the qualifications for a commission? First, analyze what you have worked on in the past to see if it’s similar; if so, take the commission! Not all projects are the same, so it’s normal to learn new things as you progress in every project. In the same tone, if you are reluctant about an opportunity, then still take it! Why? A mantra I like to live by is, “a step forward in fear is a step forward nonetheless!” You’ll get comfortable with what is uncomfortable, so take that leap, and you may be surprised where you land.
Where to Look?

Now that we spoke qualifications and yourself, where do you start looking to get commissions? You can be really creative with this, but some of the most common ways young architects get their first commission are competitions, connections, and volunteering! Essentially anything that will allow you to market yourself as a designer, but again this will depend on you.
1. Competitions
One of the most common ways an architect can receive commissions is through competitions! Although monumental competitions are becoming more invitations only, there is still plenty of design-build competitions for designers if you look for them. Don’t just check out competition aggregations websites, like and, but keep an eye out for local community and school boards for public art projects.
We have tons of informational videos ranging from software tutorials to portfolio reviews on our Youtube that will help you get started! We also have a portfolio and design consultations with our amazing designers’ team, if you are interested!
2. Volunteering
Are there any causes you feel passionate about? How about the type to find room for improvements everywhere you go? Volunteering your skills in the beginning may be a rewarding experience but could unfold into a possible commission. For example, if you find homes that could use a facelift or an upcoming proposal that could use more insightful planning, feel free to draft up a sketch and send it to whoever is responsible. Now, they may or may not take, but this gives you plenty of experience, great portfolio pieces, and a fun topic to discuss during interviews. Ultimately, doing something you are passionate about will bring opportunities that you’ll have to recognize to grasp, so keep those eyes peeled!
3. Connections
A very select few will have the unfair advantage on this front, whether that be their parents, neighbor, or a family friend making this more tricky for everyone. However, don’t limit yourself; if someone around you is looking for input on their future home improvement project, you should seize the opportunity! This kind of chance might find its way to you without you realizing it, but for that to happen, it’s important to let people know you are looking for it!
Like volunteering, you can demonstrate your knowledge and provide it to those who need help without strings. And who knows, you might get your first commission through that. Remember, one connection leads to another, and before you know it, you join a team of wonderful designers leading a relatable and unique architecture platform. Sorry, I was projecting, but in all seriousness, having connections is a great way to find commissions and opportunities.
4. Freelancing Platforms
While many may find this a bit trickier to navigate, freelance platforms are where I got my first commission! When I graduated, I wasn’t sure how to transition or what to do, so I leveraged what I knew to find work. It may not be grandiose like winning a design competition or rewarding like volunteering. Still, it was a valuable experience that created talking points for interviews and the ability to network worldwide. Freelancing also develops your thinking on running a business and provides quantifiable data that can help carve out new goals, expectations, and paths for yourself.

Last but not least, enjoy the ride! Theory and practice are vastly different, and you’ll make a lot of mistakes. Nevertheless, every one of those moments will end up becoming your biggest lessons moving forward! That’s all we got for today! I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any tips for future students, please let us know in the comments below. Make sure to follow our Youtube and Instagram for more content!