3 Soft Skills for Architects!

We all know that architects have various skills depending on their interest in the design world. Whether skills in software or design, the list can go on but rarely do they talk about these three. Here at ArchiHacks, we think these are non-negotiable skills for any great architect.



1. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution 🤝

You can imagine that an architectural concept to a fleshed-out building requires an architect to work with a variety of people who may not always see eye-to-eye. Just like in life, conflict resolution can save you a lot of time and energy when interacting with others.

This is why learning how to navigate different personalities, values, perspectives, and resolving conflicts between different parties can make or break a project. I know it can be difficult when there’s an impending deadline with thousands of dollars on the line, but having a little patience can go a long way.



2. Collaborating with Other Professions 👂

If you have ever talked to an engineer, they most likely have a negative opinion of architects. Words like egotistical, non-cooperative, and impractical may fly around. Unfortunately, this happens more than you think.

Unlike master builders of the renaissance, the role of an “architect” has been diluted into other fields making it a much more collaborative process. Professions that architects often work with include engineers, landscape architects, urban planners, and interior designers.

Each profession may have a general understanding of the other, but it definitely takes more specificity to create a functional and design-worthy building. This is why understanding the nature of other professions and the value they bring to a project is key to creating successful designs and build teamwork!

It’s generic to say, but practice active listening the next time you are in a meeting! This will help you and your team be more productive!



3. Business Knowledge 🧠

Architecture schools focus on design thinking so there’s a huge lack of knowledge in this department. In fact, the design process also includes budgets, submitting proposals, and construction administration so it’s important to think like a businessman and a designer.

Consider yourself a brand, whether you are a student looking for an internship or an established architect building your own firm. The ability to build and market your brand will help you land your next job or project. Think about what makes your brand stand out, understand the market you wish to work in, and more.



These are necessary skills for an architect to thrive!

These three skills are rarely discussed, so internships are valuable experiences to understand the full process of design. If you are a student or a professional make sure to check out ArchiHacks’ Youtube and Instagram for more tips and tricks.


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