
Theme: Rebuild Beirut


Around 6pm on August 4th, a deadly explosion rocked the shores of Beirut. It has claimed more than 200 lives, injured thousands, and damaged thousands of buildings, rendering nearly 300,000 people homeless.

It is unquestionable that this incident will be remembered throughout the generations of Lebanese citizens. Along with it, the site of explosion holds a significant place in the urban fabric of Beirut.

Beirut in the past was characterized by its sheer multiplicity at the ground level, where the bustling streets during daytime transform at night into urban oasis’ filled with marketplaces and impromptu activities. Like most major capitals, Beirut is a city that is constantly in flux, no matter the time of day.

Extent of destruction caused by the explosion

However, the decades of civil and political unrest is enough to ravage once a prosperous nation, as this accident seems to have marked the peak of the struggle. Could this event become the turning point for the country? Can a site of disaster become a symbol of solidarity for the polarized nation? How can design address the immediate needs of displaced residents and economic activity while laying out a fertile ground for revitalization in a long term?

The port before the explosion

The port after the explosion


Brief calls for a re-imagined peninsula of the Port of Beirut. Each proposal is to consist of a visitor center, an overall landscape, and a docking zone for water transport. It is safe to assume that the site will be cleared of wreckage with the exceptions of grain silos and crater, both of which are to be incorporated into the design.

Project site

Program requirement: 

  • 300,000 sqm industrial zone, including docking, warehousing and transporting shipments.
  • 165,000 sqm residential housing.
  • 20,000 outdoor amenity in the form of park and recreational program.

Recommended drawing set includes but not limited to: 

  • Zoning plan
  • Aerial view
  • Street level

Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  • Appropriateness
  • Feasibility
  • Design

Resolution of the design is expected to be ‘low.’ Use simple massing to illustrate the masterplan, and apply selective details as needed. 

Submission Requirements

Fee: this challenge is free to enter

Submission: entrants may add minimum of 3 images in a single Instagram post to illustrate the project, and write a short description of the proposal in text. This exact quote must be included in the description in order for us to find your entry:
This is my entry for @archi.hacks #challenge2020september

Deadline: October 2nd, midnight PDT


A Blessing in Disguise

Authors: Rubaiat Jannat @mish_archive

Beirut has a long history of struggle and is famous worldwide for its distinct culture and tradition. But the city of Beirut is being taken over by postindustrial capitalistic landscape with a very less thought given to its heritage, the cultural diversity of the neighborhoods and its street-life. All these urban elements are gradually getting list in Beirut and a city that should celebrate its distinct features is in fact becoming like any other capitalistic city of the world.
So, the project looks at the explosion incident as “A Blessing in Disguise”, an opportunity to resurrect the once culturally diverse city by activating the street-life and activities. The proposed visionary city aims to reconnect the city with its waterfront via opening up the city towards the water with mangrove and waterfront parks with necessary amenities yet efficiently maintaining its Industrial heritage via clear zoning. The residential neighborhoods ensure a live-work-play environment bringing the street life back to the city fabric. Hierarchical green buffers yet stitches different land uses. The green ecological corridor not only binds different land uses but also acts as a learning infrastructure connecting the schools and town university via an uninterrupted pedestrian network for the children. The valley on the other side of the highway is rethought with residential neighborhoods and some insertions of mixed use buildings to evict the buildings standing on precarious locations. A mixed use central district is proposed. The neighborhoods of low income people are rethought with productive landscapes so that they can grow their own food. The mangrove parks can accommodate few floating villages with rental kayak and sea-food facilities. Since the grain silo has absorbed the maximum shockwave if the explosion and protected the city like hulk, this silo and the crater are combined with waterfront park with a visitors cum cultural centre and a square with a “Tower of Fire” at its centre marking the unstoppable spirit of the Lebanese people who have and will continue to stand up against political injustice and oppression.

Honorable Mention

Authors: @sCollaborative

Being a native Arab, we were all heartbroken by the destruction caused by the explosion in August. It was a hurdle for our people to overcome the loss of loved ones, the damage of businesses, the displacement of housing, and above all, a great impact on our daily social structure. What we once knew as a beautiful city that rested near the port for trading, had all disappeared in an instant.

For this reason, it was my goal to find solutions to revitalize the area and tend to the needs of my people which revolve around the ideas of housing, sources for water, and a way of supplementing social gatherings. The first program of housing uses a strategy of modularity aggregation for mass housing at an affordable rate. This creates community spaces that follow along with major convergences of circulation where locals can begin to develop anew. The next strategy is to push all industrial, warehousing, and shipping ports along the boundaries to allow the main public spaces in the middle. After doing this, we utilized the crater caused by the explosion to create a new route for ships to move through and into the industrial zones. This allows for organization and rethinking the conventional route. Then, I placed a water treatment center underneath the new water bridge, which will filter water, and provide it to the Lebanese people. Adjacent to the water treatment place and underneath the water bridge is an opening that takes individuals from one side of the region to the next, where they are met with a public park. This park provides amenities and public markets through utilizing a ramp structure that allows for continuous movement overlooking the pier and skyline of Beirut.


All the awarded proposals (winners and honorable mentions) will be published on architectural magazines and websites for international exhibitions (see partners). In addition, the first place winner will receive a professional license for Twinmotion (worth over $500 USD).

Winners will be announced at the end of the month on our website and social media. Make sure to follow and subscribe so you don’t miss any announcements!


There is no limit on the size of the team, but we recommend small teams

For the first time, we are now accepting multi-images for entries. You may add minimum of 3, and maximum of 10 slides in a single post for consideration.

There is no special registration steps. You can simply post your images on your Instagram with the quote shown above to be eligible.

Make sure to list all team members’ accounts/names in the description. More than one person in the team can post on their account as long as they follow the same conventions.

If you have additional question, feel free to send a message!

Masterplan precedents

Qianhai Port City - OMA

Almere Floriade 2022 - MVRDV

Port of Tallinn - Zaha Hadid Architects