
Theme: Hand Sketch

Show us your sketches!

Even though much of technical drawings have moved onto digital space, much of architectural process and communication relies on hand sketching. This month, Archi Hacks celebrates the art of drawing with our latest monthly challenge.

Show us your sketches by posting your hand sketch on Instagram and tell us about the project or why you believe hand sketching is important. We welcome all medium, level of completion, and subjects!

Sketch by Rafiq Sabra

Submission Requirements

Fee: this challenge is free to enter. 

Submission: entrants may upload images to their Instagram account to illustrate the project, concept, ideas, and write a short description of the reasons they appreciate sketching in the post description. This exact quote must be included in the description in order for us to find your entry:
This is my entry for #archihacksdraw2020

Deadline: November 1st, 23:59PM PDT


Top 5 winners are listed below!







Top 5 Winners will get a choice of drawing tools listed below:

Alcohol Markers

Sakura Fine-liners

LED Trace Pad


Scale and sites are open to the designer’s discretion. We look favorably upon creative applications.

Absolutely. As long as it is relevant to the given topic.

We are only accepting individual submissions.

You can enter as many images as you want! Make sure they are separate posts with appropriate tags in the description.

There is no restrictions on the type of drawing. Choose the formats that best represents your project!

There is no special registration steps. You can simply post your images on your Instagram with the quote shown above to be eligible.

Make sure to list all team members’ accounts/names in the description. More than one person in the team can post on their account as long as they follow the same conventions.

If you have additional question, feel free to send a message!